A Generous Piggybank donation helps Foodbank
We are constantly reminded of the impact your support has on the community through hearing the wonderful stories from our supporters and recipients. This month, we are featuring the story of an amazing little supporter called Lorelei, a 9 year old school student, who recently donated her piggybank to Foodbank after hearing about other children her age who are going to school without breakfast.

Lorelei’s Mother shares her story here…
Your letter regarding Anastacia struck a chord with Lorelei, as she herself suffers from anxiety. Lorelei is fortunate enough that her anxiety is not caused from the stress of not knowing where her next meal is coming from.
We are fortunate to be a moderate income household and this allows Lorelei and her brother to never have to worry about whether or not there will be food in the house to supply them with breakfast, lunch or dinner. It’s very unfortunate circumstances when you can’t provide these basic needs for your children and as a mother I feel deeply for families in similar situations.
We are off on a trip to Tasmania for which Lorelei has been studiously saving for since Christmas. Your letter made Lorelei realise how fortunate she was to have money in her moneybox when there are families in other parts of Australia who aren’t as fortunate as she. Because of this, Lorelei has chosen to donate $35 from her moneybox. As a mother I am very proud that she has made this decision alone, without any encouragement from me.
It is wonderful to see young hearts wanting to help their community. You can join Lorelei and become a hunger fighter by signing up to give a regular gift.