Spotlight on Foodbank Geraldton
How a regional branch makes a huge difference
Our regional branches are lifelines to so many, with 55% of our products being distributed out through our regional branches.
Foodbank Geraldton has been at its current premises for almost six years, now has 16 volunteers and five dedicated staff members.
Assisting about 400-450 people a week looking for food relief, Foodbank Geraldton has seen a dramatic increase in people reaching out in the last six months. We now distribute just over 35,000kg a month through the branch – a huge 7,000-10,000 kg increase in volume.
Geraldton, currently our northern-most hub, also supports 25 School Breakfast Program schools as far north as Carnarvon, East to Meekatharra and down to Morawa.
And our Mobile Foodbank has been operating from Geraldton for 10 years now – a pioneer of its time.
Thanks for everything that you do for our community, Geraldton!