WA School Breakfast Program
Case Study Form


People often ask us what makes the School Breakfast Program so special. We can talk about pallets of food, forklifts and trucks, but the most exciting and heart-warming stories come from you, our member schools. 

We’re seeking stories from SBP schools about how your Breakfast Club works, the positive impact it has and its special place in your school community. SBP case studies are published in the Morning Toast to inspire other Breakfast Clubs with tips or tricks. They are also a critical part of grant applications and reports, helping Foodbank to secure the future of the School Breakfast Program.   

This photo captures a joyful young girl, dressed in a red shirt, sitting at a table in a classroom setting. She is happily eating a slice of toast, holding it with both hands and smiling broadly at the camera. In the background, other children and classroom supplies are visible, along with colorful artwork on the wall, creating a lively and cheerful atmosphere. The reflection of the girl on the shiny table adds an artistic touch to the image.

How to submit a case study 

The questions below outline the sort of information that makes a great case study. If you need some inspiration, our SBP 15th Anniversary storybook contains various case study examples.

The SBP team will work your information into a case study format, which may include editing to fit space and word count requirements. The school will have the opportunity to review the proposed final version before publication.  

Provide photos 

To bring the stories to life, we’re asking schools to provide 2-3 high-resolution images. We realise that the school may already have photo consent on file, however this often doesn’t include use by third parties. Therefore, Foodbank WA image release forms must be completed for all individuals appearing in photos (in the case of students, parent/guardian consent is required). To make the process easier, we recommend that consent be obtained prior to photos being taken.   

Submission Declaration 

By submitting this form, the school grants Foodbank WA the right to use this information to develop a School Breakfast Program case study. The case study may appear in print or electronic publications including newsletters, social media, grant applications/reports or other promotional activities.  

Any questions? Please contact the School Breakfast Program team on (08) 9258 9277 (option 3) or email schoolbreakfastprogram@foodbankwa.org.au

WA School Breakfast Program Case Study Form

WA School Breakfast Program Case Study Form

School Name
Contact Person
Contact Number
Email Address
Tell us about your School Breakfast Program (How many years has it been running? | How many days per week does it run? | How many students are involved? | What is the format?)
Describe the positive impact of your School Breakfast Program (On the school | On the students | On the wider school community)
Is there anything that you think makes your School Breakfast Program unique?
Please describe a typical School Breakfast Program morning (Do any other activities run with SBP (e.g. reading club)?)
Additional comments or stories?

Maximum file size: 134.22MB

2-3 High Resolution Images | Consent Form