nom! Children
Supporting new parents to make healthy choices

Jawaria was doing the best she could to prepare healthy meals, but on busy days processed foods often seemed the quick easy option.   

My youngest is the easiest to feed because whatever I give her she eats it. But as they get older they are more often having their own preferences. My seven year old just started learning about food allergies at school, and now whenever he doesn’t want to eat something he just says he’s allergic to it,” laughed Jawaria.


I wanted to have a few more recipes in my bag,” Jawaria said. “We learned new recipes, but I learned label reading as well. And then the cost comparison we did – real home-made food compared to store bought processed food – that was great.” 



nom! Children | Jawaria

Every participant is given a colourful plate to take home with artwork providing a guide to correct food group portions.   

I loved that part actually, it’s a great visual reminder when it’s on your plate. I try to add a lot more vegies. I just look at the portions on the plate and say ok, we need a bit more vegetable on the plate. It was always a challenge, but now I’m more focused that I need to do it.” 

The plate and recipe books weren’t the only things Jawaria brought home. Her new approach to food meant new healthier eating habits for the whole family.  

It was a few weeks and now they’re used to it. I’m telling it to them by example and now they actually want vegies with their food”, Jawaria said.   

When you’re out for a barbecue it’s not just a sausage. They want some fresh vegies on their plate and they ask for it – which I think is amazing. I never thought it’s going to be this easy!”  

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Jawaria is doing more meal planning now and when the family heads out she prepares budget friendly, fresh fruit and vegie snacks at home instead of grabbing something in a packet.   

Turning to the packaged food – it was because in the back of my mind I think healthy food is going to take longer, but when we actually made it here I was able to see how much less time it takes as compared to what I was thinking.”    

nom! Children is helping families just like Jawaria’s 


The nom! Children program is a comprehensive, evidence-based nutrition education and cooking program which aims to give children the best start in life. The program employs qualified nutritionists to support parents through valuable healthy eating education classes.  

With increased nutritional knowledge parents can introduce healthy eating habits and improve the wellbeing of their young family. The program empowers parents with young children through valuable healthy eating education, promoting nutrition strategies that result in improved dietary intake in the family home.  

Our nom! Children program is delivering great results in parental food literacy with 82% of participants making at least one positive improvement in their food literacy skills and 83% making at least one positive improvement to their parenting practices.  

Through increased nutrition knowledge, and quality time spent teaching parents, the impact of the program has been highlighted in improving healthy eating in children and overall wellbeing for parents and the family.  The program also aims to increase the knowledge of parents and carers living with social disadvantage.  

We are helping to increase parents’ confidence in applying practices to support healthy eating in young children, by empowering them to take control of their child’s health and development.  Each session includes 60 minutes of interactive and engaging activities and encouraging discussion about all things nutrition, followed by 60 minutes of hands-on cooking using quick tasty and budget friendly recipes, finished off with a shared meal with the children. 

A vital outcome of the program is improved confidence, knowledge, and food literacy skills within three months of completing the program. Good nutrition during early childhood has been recognised as a critical indicator for optimal health, growth, and cognitive development, from conception to five years.   

Corporate support delivering a difference 


nom! Children is proudly supported by Telethon and we are pleased to announce that Roy Hill has signed a three-year agreement for nom! Children to support parents in the Pilbara.  

Enjoy tasty learning for life