Meet Jamie our
Individual Giving Coordinator

We are thrilled to introduce Jamie, the newest member of our Fundraising team, stepping into the role of Individual Giving and Grants Coordinator. Jamie’s passion for community service and deep commitment has seen him spend time across many aspects of our organisation to see first-hand the impact your regular gifts make in helping support thousands of West Australian families in need.

Jamie joins us with a strong background in fundraising and the not-for-profit sector and is keen to assist you in any way, as he continues to build meaningful relationships with you, our wonderful Giving Pantry community of generous donors.

Our community of regular givers are the backbone of our efforts to address and minimise food insecurity in Western Australia. Knowing that for every $1 donated, Foodbank WA is able to provide 2 nutritious meals to everyday West Aussies struggling to make ends meet, inspires me to work hard to change the current situation. Thank you so much for your continued support.”   Jamie said.

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This financial year, through support from donors like you, our Giving Pantry has allowed us to deliver over 607,000 meals to people in need here in WA. With your continued support, our vision is to provide 1 million meals through this program.

As cost of living pressures continues to impact families, we are receiving requests from 66 new households referred to us for food assistance each day. At Foodbank WA, our work relies heavily on the generosity of regular donors like you. Your gift allows us to provide these families with the assistance they need and bring hope to those facing challenging times.

We encourage you to read Jane’s story, whose bravery and resilience in reaching out for help when her life took a turn for worse, is simply inspirational. With your continued support, we can help thousands of other WA families like Jane.

Please join us in welcoming Jamie to the Foodbank WA family and do reach out to him if you need to.

Together, we can continue to make a lasting impact in the lives of those we serve.

WA Foodbank WA Local Charity to Donate to