From FOOD Cent$ to nom!

Foodbank WA’s mission has always been about more than just filling plates in times of crisis. In 1994, our very first warehouse opened its doors and within months hundreds of tonnes of food were being distributed to local charities.

But a crucial question emerged: how could we empower individuals and families to make healthy choices long after receiving emergency food relief?

And so, our nutrition education programs were born.

We believe great dishes can be made by anyone – not just Michelin Star chefs. We all have the potential to create great things – and nom! is here to help you unleash that potential. Bringing nutrition education and cooking programs to Western Australia – it’s something we’ve been doing for a little while now.


The FOOD Cent$ program

In 1995, we sowed the seeds of a new groundbreaking program. FOOD Cent$, a pilot initiative, aimed to equip people with the knowledge and skills needed to navigate a healthy diet on a tight budget. This wasn’t just about handing out food; it was about building a bridge out of poverty by fostering long-term wellbeing.

A legacy of empowering choices

FOOD Cent$’ success marked a pivotal moment in our journey, reflecting a commitment that extends beyond immediate needs. The program has changed and adapted over the years to include Food Sensations (for Adults, Parents, Children and Schools) and Healthy Food for All Abilities.

Today we offer wide range of nutrition education and cooking programs, under our nom! brand empowering people of all ages, backgrounds and locations – metro or regional – to make healthy choices and build a brighter future, one meal at a time.

Tasty learning for life