Finding Foodbank
Bo-Anne isn’t your average homeowner. Sure, there’s the pride in her eyes as she surveys her freshly cleaned kitchen, but there’s something more – a warmth that reflects the journey that brought her here. It’s a journey paved with challenges, but also one where a helping hand from Foodbank WA made all the difference.
As a single mum of three, Bo-Anne’s world revolves around her children. But when her son, just 20 months old at the time, needed a kidney transplant, life took a dramatic turn. Caring for him became a full-time job, pushing career stability aside. The rising cost-of-living felt like a constant weight and food became a worry.
I was real low,” Bo-Anne confesses. “These things were just taking their toll.”
A visit to Centrelink for rent relief led Bo-Anne to Foodbank WA. It wasn’t just the food that made a difference, it was a lifeline. “Obviously you have the overheads of your housing first so when you get to food, it slides down that scale of the level of importance. It’s so hard because you have to make choices about what your kids are eating”. By easing the pressure of food costs, Bo-Anne could start to think about solutions.
That solution came in the form of a single parent homeowner’s grant. With Foodbank’s support and the security of a home, her life began to transform. No longer burdened by high rents, she could finally focus on building a brighter future for her children.
It made a huge difference to us. I don’t even know where we’d be now,” Bo-Anne says with gratitude. “Foodbank gives you that ability to still give your kids healthy meals without sacrificing being able to pay your other bills.”
Bo-Anne’s story isn’t just about overcoming challenges, it’s about the power of community connections. She also credits the Byford Community Centre, one of our charity partners and another vital piece of the support system she found. “They offer food hampers for a gold-coin donation, they help quite a lot. Quite a bit of the food they provide comes from Foodbank and community donations.”
Looking back, Bo-Anne’s advice is clear: “Don’t be afraid to ask for help. It’s not embarrassing. There’s nothing to be ashamed of. The world’s a tough place.”
Today she stands proudly in her own home, a testament to her strength and the power of a helping hand. Looking back at her sparkling kitchen, it’s hard to imagine the struggles she faced. Foodbank, along with our state-wide network, played a vital role in helping her build a secure and nourishing future for her family.
Together, we can build a future where every Western Australian family thrives. Let’s ensure success stories like Bo-Anne’s become the norm, not the exception.