Graphic of Foodbank toilet paper and an arrow pointing to a plate.

Every roll counts.
Every meal matters.

Behind these numbers are real moments—a warm dinner, a fresh piece of fruit, a nourishing breakfast, a comforting cup of tea, or a packed school lunch. Your support is helping families, pensioners, students, young couples, and even your neighbours put food on the table.

See the impact we’re making together below!

Goal: 1000000 meals
We've raised 9880 meals !


This is more than just toilet paper.


With each purchase of Foodbank toilet paper, you’re doing more than stocking your home with an everyday essential—you’re helping provide much-needed relief to someone struggling.

Every pack of Foodbank Toilet Paper is helping us reach our target of sourcing 500,000 meals by the end of 2025.

We are working in partnership with Encore Tissue, the creators and manufacturers of this amazing product and together we have a goal to source 1 million by 2026. Help us make this milestone and keep stocking up with Foodbank toilet Paper.



We’re helping end hunger.


“The current cost of living has severely impacted me as a single mother who works full time but does not receive any child support from my former partner.

One income only is no longer affordable since Covid for a single-parent family to live off with the increased fuel, energy, insurance, rent, food and daily cost of living expenses. I often go without food and necessities to make sure my children don’t go without.”

Foodbank Hunger Report 2024

Did you know?

Image of man in kitchen with text overlayed saying 3.4 million households in Australia are food insecure

3.4 million households across Australia are facing food insecurity. This means families are reducing the quality, variety, or desirability of their food, and at worst, running out of food entirely.

Of these, 2 million households are experiencing the most severe levels of hardship, often skipping meals, cutting portion sizes, or going without food for days at a time.

That’s where we come in.


In Australia, we work with 2,844 front-line charities and 3,379 school breakfast programs to provide over 92 million meals to those who need a hand. But despite our efforts, too many people are still going hungry.

Graphic of Foodbank toilet paper and an arrow pointing to a plate.

Every roll counts.
Every meal matters.

Behind these numbers are real moments—a warm dinner, a fresh piece of fruit, a nourishing breakfast, a comforting cup of tea, or a packed school lunch. Your support is helping families, pensioners, students, young couples, and or even your neighbours put food on the table.

See the impact we’re making together below!

Goal: 1000000 meals
We've raised 9880 meals !


Website (670 x 500 px) (1)

This is more than just toilet paper.


With each purchase of Foodbank toilet paper, you’re doing more than stocking your home with an everyday essential—you’re helping provide much-needed relief to someone struggling.

Every pack of Foodbank Toilet Paper is helping us reach our target of sourcing 500,000 meals by the end of 2025.

We are working in partnership with Encore Tissue, the creators and manufacturers of this amazing product and together we have a goal to source 1 million by 2026. Help us make this milestone and keep stocking up with Foodbank toilet Paper.



We’re helping end hunger.


“The current cost of living has severely impacted me as a single mother who works full time but does not receive any child support from my former partner.


One income only is no longer affordable since Covid for a single-parent family to live off with the increased fuel, energy, insurance, rent, food and daily cost of living expenses. I often go without food and necessities to make sure my children don’t go without.”


Foodbank Hunger Report 2024


Did you know?

Image of man in kitchen with text overlayed saying 3.4 million households in Australia are food insecure

3.4 million households across Australia are facing food insecurity. This means families are reducing the quality, variety, or desirability of their food, and at worst, running out of food entirely.

Of these, 2 million households are experiencing the most severe levels of hardship, often skipping meals, cutting portion sizes, or going without food for days at a time.

That’s where we come in.


In Australia, we work with 2,844 front-line charities and 3,379 school breakfast programs to provide over 92 million meals to those who need a hand. But despite our efforts, too many people are still going hungry.

Thank you to our incredible partner, Encore Tissue, for making this possible.

Encore Tissue Logo

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