Thank you, Victoria!

All weekend long, you rocked up to our Emergency Food Drive with your smiles, your beautiful words of encouragement and best of all, your arms and boots chock-a-block full of food.

There were cars of all kinds, scooters and Harleys, a gleaming convoy of vintage Thunderbirds and with our volunteers cheering them on like a finals crowd at the ‘G not one but TWO big red CFA trucks.

Paddy and Tom just happened to be dropping off food with their Mum and Dad when the Bulla CFA arrived, and it’s fair to say they were stoked to give our generous Fireys a helping hand to get all that lovely food off the truck and into our bins.

You know that line from David Bowie, ‘We can be heroes – just for one day’? Well, you were…except it was TWO days and the impact of your generosity is going to last for much longer than that 😊

Couldn’t get there in person? You can still be part of our Virtual Food Drive so head over there and fill up a bag, basket or trolley to help feed more Victorians.

Support the Virtual Food Drive