Donations we couldn’t do without
Our Bunbury and Peel branches have seen a number of great donations in recent weeks showing the true meaning of community spirit.
Our Peel branch has been the lucky recipient of UHT milk from the lovely ladies from Inner Wheel in Peel who have been donating long-life milk for a year now. Last week saw them donate their 100th bottle of milk. The Inner Wheel ladies are proof that every little bit helps and certainly adds up!

Moving a little further south to the Bunbury branch, Pam from Wespine Maintenance & Stores arrived with a great donation of tinned fruit for customers last week. Pam and her team wanted to do their bit, knowing that many are struggling though the cost-of-living crisis.
Wespine operate a sawmill in the shire of Dardanup, providing building materials and hope to donate again soon.
The teachers, students and parents at Leschenault Catholic Primary School share the same sentiment. Led by students Chase, Indiana, Sadie and their Principal Bree Dudek, they donated a huge 325kg which translates to 585 meals for those doing it tough. What an effort!
Thank you to the south-west community.