Back to basics

Are you looking for simple, affordable and delicious ways to nourish your family? Our nom! Kitchen Basics Recipe Booklet is here to make mealtime stress-free and enjoyable 

The booklet has been developed to give people more confidence in the kitchen and to make cooking easier and enjoyable and is suitable for kids and adults. 

nom! Kitchen Basics Recipe Booklet


The 39 page booklet includes how to stock your pantry, easy equipment swaps, measurements and conversions, a meat roasting guide, knife safety and food safety tips and the Australian Dietary Guidelines together with more than 10 recipes to help you master the basics. 

Recipes include three ways to cook eggs, rice two ways, poaching chicken, roast chicken and roast vegetables, gravy, basic tomato and white sauce, stock and salad dressings. The new nom! Kitchen Basics can be used in conjunction with our existing nom! recipe booklets or stand alone. Each recipe includes step by step photographs to help guide you through the method and simplify the process within three to six easy steps. 

The booklet has been developed by our own public health nutritionists and all the recipes have been tried and tested in our nom! Training Kitchen. 

We know peopled cooking skills are decreasing which makes it harder to make some healthy changes.  Cooking can contribute to improved food choices and is often healthier than purchasing takeaway or convenience foods.   

With a little bit of planning cooking at home can save you money and help make healthy eating a whole lot easier. The booklet is available on our Superhero Foods HQ website in both a hard copy and a downloadable e-book. 

New nom! Kitchen Basics booklet