A mountain of love
in Peel
Picture this: A hot, late December day in the lead-up to the crazy-business of Christmas in a regional branch with minimal volunteers. Sounds hectic, until you add in that one week out from our last day of operation, the 3-door fridge in Peel decided it was going on early holidays.
Then a special visit saved the day.
Coinciding with this, the fruit and veg display fridge was also broken, but this meant that a technician was scheduled to come out and fix it, so we asked them to kindly have a look at the 3-door fridge too. Thankfully, the wonderful crew at Essential Refrigeration were able to get both fridges’ up and running again, but we were warned that the 3-door fridge was due for early retirement, not an early holiday. Given it could have been only a matter of days, it was starting to look like panic stations.
As luck would have it, MLA Robyn Clarke, Lisa Munday and David Templeman as well as Rhys Williams Mayor of City of Mandurah along with Carole Dhu from Prima Donna Productions – were visiting the branch that day to drop off a donation.
In an effort to explain the slight sense of unease, they heard all about the fridges going down and our need to purchase a new one.
Not long after they left, Megan received a phone call from Robyn saying that she had just called Alcoa and that they would gift us $6,000 toward a new appliance!
The story doesn’t end there, back to the amazing donation, because who doesn’t love a great story.
David Templeman and Carole Dhu have been supporting Foodbank with food donations for the last five years to the tune of $1,000. Each year the Megan, Peel branch Manager extraordinaire gives them a wish list with items that help families with ‘back-to-school’ items including snacks to help fill the lunchboxes. A couple of years ago Robyn and Charlie Clarke joined in, instead of giving a gift to each other they also donate $1,000. Side note, Charlie is one of Peel’s beautiful volunteers, driving the truck on Mondays.
It takes a village, but we certainly feel the love.