Help turn a surprise chain into a supply chain

No two days are alike in the Foodbank warehouse.

We are deeply grateful for every dented tin, misshapen banana, and slightly crumpled cereal box we receive from our generous food donors. Dropped in by farmers and wholesalers, manufacturers and retailers, and of course amazing, everyday Victorians cleaning out their pantry or running a local food drive for us.

Without this kindness we couldn’t do what we do – but it’s simply not enough.

FBV Spring Newsletter 22 Food Donor

The potluck nature of food donations often has us scrambling to plug gaps in the quantity and quality of food coming into our warehouse. Impacting on how fast and far we can go with food relief.

But… we have a vision for fixing this if you can join us.

FBV Surprise Chain graphic

We want to turn our SURPRISE CHAIN into a SUPPLY CHAIN.

When you plan your giving as a regular monthly donor, you’re helping Foodbank plan our food purchasing, so we can turn regular, reliable donations into regular, reliable meals.

YOU can be an integral part of the supply chain bringing healthy, nutritious food to our community by signing up to give a regular donation from your bank account or credit card every month.

If – and only if – it’s viable for you, sign up to be a regular giver.


Every $1 will help provide 2 meals