A Christmas update with Greg.
Australia is experiencing a hunger crisis, with more South and Central Australians struggling to put food on the table than ever before. With the rising cost of living, everyday Australians are finding that they can’t afford to eat or are skipping meals to get them through the day. In fact, 46% of food insecure households had someone in paid work within the last year. These are Australians who have never experienced this hardship before and are navigating the food relief sector for the first time.
On top of this our South Australian regional communities are experiencing another natural disaster with the rising levels of flood waters worsening everyday.
It is heartbreaking to hear the stories of families we see attending our Food Hubs around the State. These are families like Peter and Nicky’s, who are experiencing hardship this Christmas like so many others.
With a young family to provide for, and Nicky on maternity leave, Peter suffered a car accident that was nearly fatal. Unable to work due to serious injuries, Peter and Nicky despite their best efforts and through no fault of their own, were now barely making ends meet.
Nicky explained to us that they could only afford to bring a loaf of bread to their families Christmas lunch this year.
I wish I could tell you that Peter and Nicky’s story is rare, but it isn’t. Nicky and Peter are one of more than 130,000 households in South Australia experiencing food insecurity.
We will be distributing 10,000 Christmas hampers this Christmas to alleviate some of the pressure but it isn’t enough. We need your help.
To support families like Peter and Nicky’s this Christmas, and into the new year, please donate today.
We will convert your generosity into food that will make Christmas day a happy one for those going through very tough times.
Any little bit helps. Thank you.