Thank You for Nourishing Futures and Filling Tummies

We wanted to take a moment to share the incredible impact your generosity has had on our Foodbank School Breakfast Program, making a real difference in the lives of countless children throughout South Australia and the Northern Territory.

Your ongoing support plays a crucial role in ensuring that, regardless of their circumstances, every child has an equal start in life.

For over 18 years, Foodbank has been dedicated to sourcing and acquiring essential food items, providing support to school-based food relief programs in metropolitan, regional, and remote areas.

Last year brought unprecedented challenges with a surge in the cost-of-living crisis, significantly affecting families and children. The demand for our School Breakfast Program reached its peak, marking the busiest year since it began in 2005.

But thanks to your continued commitment, Foodbank not only continued its existing efforts but also expanded its reach to Central Australia and the Top End of the Northern Territory in the second half of 2023.

Together, we are tackling the alarming statistic that more than 1 in 5 Australian children experience hunger each year. It’s disheartening to think about children going to school on empty stomachs, facing the day with more than just hunger— their entire education at stake.

SBP SANTYour support enables us to provide a nutritious breakfast of cereal, toast and fruit to children, helping them stay focused, energised, and ready to learn.

The impact of the school breakfast program is shared by many of the School Breakfast Coordinators across the State:

“If Foodbank was not supplying breakfast club to our students, we would see a lot of hungry tummies due to the cost of living, and parents struggling to support their families. Getting breakfast in the morning and having full stomachs is helping them focus on learning.”

“Its made a difference for our school especially for families that are struggling financially. We wouldn’t be able to run this without Foodbank. Meeting the students when they get off the bus with hot toast is so rewarding when you see the smiles and the appreciation.”

As we embark on a new school year, your support will enable us to reach more hungry children, filling tummies and providing a foundation for a brighter future. Thank you for your commitment to ensure that every child starts the day right!

What you helped make possible last year:

  • More than 545,000 nutritious breakfasts to school children.
  • More than 10,300 students benefited from the School Breakfast Program.
  • More than 140,000 kgs of food distributed to schools.


Help us get more vital food to vulnerable South Australians and Territorians in need. For every $1 donated we can distribute 2 meals to someone in need.