Task 1 – Helping others

Did you know that Foodbank South Australia & Central Australia assists 135,000 South Australians and Central Australians each month who are in need of food relief? When you think of yourself with a rumbly tummy, you don’t feel very good do you? The way Foodbank helps others is to help feed people so they start to feel good again.

What do you do to help others? We would love to hear about it! Helping someone does not need to be a grand gesture, it can be as simple as holding the door for someone, helping someone cross the road or even helping put away your dishes. Little things can have a big impact in someone’s life and we want you to feel happy doing it.

For the next Superhero activity, we want you to give back to someone else. We would like you to create a card to give to someone in need. You can design your own card or use one of the templates provided. We can then add these cards to Foodbank Hampers to help brighten someone’s day.

Other activities you can do include taking videos of yourself helping others, make a healthy meal for a friend or learning about poverty and how you can help reduce the number of rumbling tummies.

Did you know? With a donation of $1 Foodbank can help put two meals on the table. By donating even the smallest amount of money, we can make a big difference in the lives of others.

To enter the monthly competition please complete the form below and either scan in a copy of your card or post it to us at the following address.

Foodbank SA & Central Australia Superhero Team

Extra activities
