Your Support has been a ‘Godsend’ for Pat & Geoff

In a world where retirement should be a time of relaxation and enjoyment, Pat and Geoff’s story sheds light on the harsh reality that many pensioners face.

Now in their mid-seventies, this couple has experienced a journey of unexpected challenges brought about by the relentless increase in the cost of living.

Geoff’s life took an unexpected turn when the company he worked for folded, leaving him forcibly redundant. Pat, a dedicated aged care worker, continued to contribute until she could no longer.

With their savings and superannuation exhausted, their once-comfortable life became a struggle for survival.

The soaring cost of living stripped away their security, forcing them into community housing as the private rental market became unaffordable.

Despite years of hard work and diligent planning, Pat and Geoff found themselves trapped in a cycle of survival, grappling to make ends meet.

Pat Geoff FBSA“We never imagined life would be so hard. We had cut back as much as we could but how do you cut back on the essentials? You can’t cut back on milk and bread. How has it come to that?” Pat shared.

Balancing a budget of just $50 per week for food, they’ve resorted to drastic measures, including selling cherished possessions and growing food in their modest backyard.

Geoff recounts, “We sold our car, our caravan – things we held dear. It’s been heart-wrenching.”

Their financial constraints have shattered more than their ability to afford food; they’ve lost touch with loved ones because they can’t afford to go out.

Now they are unable to afford travel to celebrate important family milestones and will have to miss their granddaughter’s upcoming interstate engagement party.

In the face of adversity, Pat & Geoff sought help from Foodbank, to ensure they didn’t go without a meal. “I don’t know what we would do without Foodbank – it’s been godsend,” shared Geoff.

Pat and Geoff’s story is a poignant reminder that behind every statistic is a human face, a lifetime of effort, and dreams that deserve to be valued – even in the face of adversity.

We can only be there for them because of friends like you – thank you!

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