Foodbank Mobile Food Hub


When and where is it?

Dates and times are shown below. Please check this page on the day of your visit as schedules can change at short notice.

April 2025

Thursday 03/04

10:00 am – 11:00 am
SEAFORD - Mobile Food Hub
Seaford Community Centre, Schooner Road, Seaford

Thursday 17/04

10:00 am – 11:00 am
SEAFORD - Mobile Food Hub
Seaford Community Centre, Schooner Road, Seaford

May 2025

Thursday 01/05

10:00 am – 11:00 am
SEAFORD - Mobile Food Hub
Seaford Community Centre, Schooner Road, Seaford

Thursday 15/05

10:00 am – 11:00 am
SEAFORD - Mobile Food Hub
Seaford Community Centre, Schooner Road, Seaford

Please note: On occasion our Mobile Food Hubs are subject to changes in schedule or may have to offer an alternate service (including offering fresh fruit and vegetables only).  Extreme weather policy: When over 38C, or unsafe weather conditions, our operating hours may change.

We encourage you to check on this webpage on day of service (the link is located in your text message referral) for any potential changes to schedule or cancellation. Or follow us on Facebook for any notification updates.

What should I bring?

  • The text message we sent you and some ID.
  • Shopping bags if you can.

How it works

When you arrive go to the welcome desk and have your text message, voucher or visit card and ID ready.

Our Foodbank Mobile Food Hubs are like shops on wheels with shelves of food, fridges and freezers. While you may not see the same variety as a shop we aim to always have staple items like pasta, rice, meat, tinned meals and FREE fruit, vegetables and bread.

There may be limits on some items so we can help as many people as possible. Many items will be priced with a price sticker or a shelf price to help you add up as you go.

Everybody who shops at Foodbank must have an ‘agency pays’ voucher or a ‘customer pays’ referral.

  • An ‘ER Agency pays’ voucher means that the referring charity will pay for your shopping and you must stick to the dollar amount on your voucher. If you would like more food than what your agency pays voucher allows, you will need to use a ‘customer pays’ referral and pay for the extra food with an Eftpos card. We can not accept cash under any circumstances.
  • If you have a ‘Customer pays’ referral (where the individual shopping pays for their own items) you may choose as little, or as much food as you’d like so long as you can pay for it via Eftpos. You must still stick to the product limits shown. Once you use your customer pays referral for the first time, we will write you out a ‘visit card’ to bring each time you come in. You can use this card 10 times. It will have the date of each visit so you can track how many visits you have left.

You may only shop at Foodbank  once per week regardless of how many or which type of vouchers you have.

Please remember

  • You must supervise your children at all times.
  • Please follow the directions of volunteers and staff.
  • Please respect our volunteers and staff who are here to provide a safe environment for everyone.


We look forward to seeing you.