Client Feedback – what access to foodbank means to you?

We love sharing the impact of our clients, here is just some of the feedback received by Foodbank clients in our Food Hubs in 2022!

Single mother of 2 boys

“Foodbank is a lifesaver.” 

37 year old single lady
One week I can go to Foodbank with my $50 voucher & walk out with a full trolley that involves 4 meal packs (green bag meal kits services 4 peoples so 16 meals!! Great value!!), Fruits & veggies, meats, eggs, sweets & treats. I love my local Foodbank & the volunteers!!! & the next week if I’m low on supplies & don’t have much money I can use a visit to receive some free stuff that they always have something.” 

Single mother suffering complex mental illness of 2 special needs children
“If it wasn’t for Foodbank, my kids wouldn’t eat properly. As a mum, I feel like a massive failure because of my financial situation due to my psychiatric condition. The people who work there don’t judge, always have a smile and are such beautiful souls. They make it feel like it’s a normal grocery store. No stigma, no side eye. This organisation is an organisation I always and forever will be grateful for.” 

Family living in housing trust
“Having access to Foodbank has been a godsend, without Foodbank I wouldn’t be able to feed my children quality home cooked meals every day! I wouldn’t be able to feed them every night without you guys!” 

Lost job due to COVID
“The people are always amazing and honestly without this service I would be lost right now it has saved me and my kids.” 

62 year old married couple with no work having moved to Adelaide to help struggling single mum daughter
“Foodbank has given us a much wider range of products to eat as items that are often viewed as luxury are often available at affordable cost thanks so much” 

Middle aged single woman escaping a violent relationship
They have made it possible to eat healthy on next to no invoice” 

Recently single man
“At first it was overwhelming to realize that I needed help with buying groceries with my available funds, but I never felt any different in my Foodbank, I have made friends, I enjoy catching up with the people at my Foodbank” 

Single mother of 2 teenagers
Absolute life saver! Staff are incredible, always made to feel welcome.”

DV & cancer survivor who is now unemployed
The staff are welcoming and incredibly calm and helpful. Accessing Foodbank means we can eat and I can keep up with rent until I can afford to move.”


Other Client Testimonials
“What Foodbank means to me is “life” & “survival”. I honestly could not survive without Foodbank!

“Without Foodbank, I wouldn’t be able to reintegrate into the community as quick as I have. Funds are limited so making every dollar go further really helps a lot. I am very thankful to Foodbank for their assistance.”

Foodbank has put meals on my son’s plate every night, honestly if I didn’t have access to it myself and my son wouldn’t be eating. I love how low everything is price wise, $30 goes an extremely long way, I am so thankful for the Foodbank

“Foodbank helps me by providing reliable, affordable food and household items. Sometimes the value of a shop is upwards over $100- 200 for which I pay $30 – 50. Incredible. Fortunate. Blessed!”