Food Drive FAQ

Thank you for choosing to support Foodbank SA and the Northern Territory. We support 135,000+ South and Northern Territorians every month with food relief so your support is very much appreciated.

Do I need to register my Food Drive with Foodbank?

We would really appreciate if you can let us know that you are running a Food Drive for us, and for how long (we recommend three to four weeks but that is entirely up to you).

What are Foodbank’s Most Wanted Items?

Our most wanted items are those who everyone should have in their pantries.

  • Pasta
  • Rice
  • Tuna
  • Pasta Sauces
  • Canned Fruit
  • Canned Veggies
  • Canned Soups
  • Canned Meals
  • Baked Beans
  • Jams & Spreads
  • Long life milk
  • Coffee
  • Breakfast Cereal


When planning and promoting your Food Drive, make sure that you have this ‘shopping list’ handy!

Can I get boxes or containers from Foodbank?

We find that it is easier if you just get any cardboard box you have available. You can decorate it with your own posters and the list of your most wanted items.

I am running a Food Drive at my school. Does it work the same way?

Food drives are a great way for school communities to come together whilst helping Foodbank to get more food, grocery and personal items to the people who need them.

At Foodbank SA we are all for the community coming together and helping each other out. Registering your Food Drive shows our future generations that there is support for them should they ever need it and helps students to gain an understanding and different perspective of a person’s environment. Register your School Food Drive Here.

Do you have posters to help  promote my Food Drive?

Yes we do! Click here to download some posters with our Most Wanted list.

School posters can be found here: School Food Drive and ‘What food to collect?‘.

What are your drop off points?

You can drop off your donation at any of our four warehouses across the state, or our Food Hubs. You can find all addresses and trading hours on our Contacts page.

How long should I run my food drive? 

The duration of your food drive is up to the individual organisation. We generally recommend 2 – 4 weeks. If holding a single day food drive we recommend giving plenty of notice to those involved to ensure success.

For school food drives, if holding on one day, make sure you provide your students and families plenty of notice.


Good luck and thanks for joining the fight against hunger in Australia!