These are unprecedented times for us all. Following the devastating summer of droughts and fires, we find ourselves with the next challenge – COVID-19.

As you may have seen in the media, Foodbank SA are already seeing the impacts on our already tight resources.  Last year, Foodbank were supporting more than 126,000 South Australians every month. This has increased exponentially. While supporting the 126,000 South Australians, we are also supporting those in the regions impacted by the recent bush fires with their ongoing food relief requirements and now the referrals to our food hubs are increasing as a result of the impacts of COVID-19.

Many of those we are supporting are vulnerable South Australians who can not access or afford groceries in the current climate, particularly the elderly and those impacted by recent job losses.

We have a message for all Australians: 
During the bush fires. We were there to help.
During the floods. We were there to help
During the drought. We were there to help.
COVID-19 is no different. We are here to help.

We believe no Australian should go without. No Australian should ever go hungry. Whether our volunteers were driving trucks toward your flood, drought or fire ravaged town, or during the current times, when there doesn’t seem like there is enough to go around. Foodbank are there to help the most vulnerable in our community.

That is what Australians do. We help. We give. We lend a hand to a mate. Even when we can no longer shake hands, you still offer a hand up when someone needs it the most.

So while the times are uncertain, one thing is certain. As long as we can, Foodbank SA  will continue to provide food relief to help South Australians when they need it the most. It’s what makes Foodbank the provider of the most food to relief to South Australians in their time of need.

But we can’t do it alone. We call on you to make sure we can continue to support those we help now and in the future.

We know the panic doesn’t help us at all. While so many have rushed to the supermarkets to stock more food than the current recommendation, those who are vulnerable in our community have been left without.

Your support, at this point in time, will allow us to keep the basics in stock for those who have not been able to access vital groceries and food items, just to keep them going. We are looking to maintain a steady supply of canned goods, breakfast cereals, long life milk, pasta, rice toilet paper and fresh fruit and vegetables.

Importantly, we can turn your $1 donation into $6 of vital food and groceries. Donate now to help us to ensure our shelves are filled and those in need can access our services.

During South Australia’s time of need we will be there. Will you be there with us?

If you have further questions or would like additional information visit our FAQ page relating to COVID-19 and Foodbank.