Foodbank Food Hub “Your Story” Client Impact

Each month, we ask our Food Hub clients to give us their feedback – here is one of our client impact stories from June:

I am a single mum of a 5 year old boy. He is my world. I would do anything for him but we really struggle. As a parent you question yourself all of the time, especially when things aren’t going to plan. We live pay to pay and the big bills always seem to come when you are already under financial pressure.

Do you know what it is like to go the fridge or cupboard and there isn’t enough to cook a meal? I’m not talking about deciding what to make for lunch or dinner, I’m talking about making a meal out of thin air? Last month this was our reality. I went to the fridge and there was a yoghurt, a little bit of milk and 2 slices of bread in the cupboard. Definitely not enough to make a meal and certainly not enough to sustain us for an entire week – until next pay day.

It is heartbreaking to know that you can’t feed your child. I often will tell him that I’ve already eaten or that I’m not feeling well so he will have a meal. I hate lying to him but I don’t want him to know the truth. We can’t even afford the bare essentials.

I am currently working casually and will take the shifts I can get but I also don’t have the support networks to look after my son and childcare is so expensive. If I don’t work, I don’t get paid and if I don’t get paid we don’t eat. There are weeks where we would be lucky to have a $12 food budget, that really is if we are lucky.

Last month was a low point, I had nothing left both financially and emotionally. I went and saw a financial counsellor and I was referred into Woodville Food Hub. I was reluctant at first, but I was so surprised. The volunteers were so welcoming, it felt normal. There were so many people just like me doing their food shop. I didn’t feel alone, it made me understand you can’t judge or know someone’s circumstances.

I couldn’t believe the amount of food I could get. I could get treats and free fruit and vegetables and I was able to get some gluten free items that I would have never have been able to afford in the shops. I have now been back a few times and absolutely love it.

Foodbank means we don’t have to miss out. It means we can sit down and eat a meal together and not junk food but a nutritious meal. It means where not going hungry. It means I can look after my son. It means I don’t feel like I am failing as a parent and I get to keep my son.

If people are thinking of supporting Foodbank, I would say ‘just do it’ – imagine if it was your child, you are helping more than you know and one day I hope to return the favour.