Dear Clients,
To the lady today who has escaped DV.
To the man who has lost his job and struggling to feed his family.
To the women who is overcoming an ICE addiction and been clean for 6 months.
To the young women who has severe debilitating anxiety.
To the grandparents who are now the legal guardians to their grand children.
To the man experiencing mental illness and struggling with the day to day.
To the family who were struggling to buy groceries after a tough month and thought this could never happen to them.
To the man struggling to hold down a job.
To the pensioner who had to choose whether to ‘heat or eat’.
To the teenager who was living in a volatile home situation.
To the mum and children sleeping in their car.
To the parents who’s child has had an unexpected illness and ‘leave without pay’ has taken a toll on their finances.
To the family that has had an unexpected loss in the family making it difficult to cope with the funeral expenses.
To the older gentleman sleeping rough because you had no where else to go.
To the young family who has been experiencing higher than expected utility bills.
To you all we say, you have this. You are worthy. You are not alone. We were proud to serve you this month.
These are just some of the 117,260 people who have been accessing food relief from Foodbank this month, they have been referred to one of our food hubs.
We are not here to judge a situation, every situation is unique but one thing these people have in common – they are experiencing food insecurity. They could be your neighbor, a friend, a family member. Foodbank provide food relief to those in need when they are experiencing a rainy day.
Once again to our dear new friends we met this month, we were honored to offer ‘a hand up when you needed it’.