Help Jade feed her family.

“It’s a little bit stressful because you always want Christmas to be amazing for the kids. But, with all the costs going up, we’re just not sure what Christmas is going to look like this year.”

– Jade, mum

This Christmas, thousands of parents like Jade are struggling to put food on the table for their kids.


Christmas should be a time for fun and relaxation. A time for family and a time for Christmas dinner, the most special meal of the year.

But, this Christmas, thousands of hard-working parents like Jade across Queensland face the terrible prospect of an empty table on Christmas Day.

Jade never thought she’d end up in this situation. She and her partner have always worked hard to raise their family. In fact, right now, she’s back at work with a five-month-old baby, trying to make ends meet.

“We do try and give our kids everything but the rise in the everyday cost of living is really affecting us.” – Jade

Hit hard by back-to-back natural disasters, the COVID pandemic and the cost-of-living crisis, struggling families simply won’t be able to afford the good food we all want at Christmas.

But you can help put food on the table and hope in their hearts.

Will you make a gift today to help feed a struggling family?

Your kindness can make sure families like Jade’s don’t go without this Christmas.

“It really, really does make a difference. If it wasn’t for Foodbank, we would definitely be missing out on a lot. Fresh food is so expensive at the moment, I wouldn’t be giving the kids as much fresh stuff. I just wouldn’t be able to afford it if it wasn’t for Foodbank.”

– Jade

The Impact of Your Donations


We believe all Queenslanders deserve access to good quality food. However, every single day, Queenslanders are going hungry. With your help, Foodbank can continue to get food where it’s needed most, distributing to local charities and schools right across Queensland. Our food supplies are provided to thousands of adults and children experiencing hunger every single week. With your support, we can continue this important work and give hope to families in need. 

FBQ_feeding 48000 Queenslanders

FBQ_Trio_25mill meals

FBQ_Trio_supporting 300 breakfast programs

Donations over $2 are tax deductible.

© Copyright 2022 Foodbank Queensland.